Choose to be as healthy as you want to be with five levels of care.
Instead of telling you how healthy you ought to be, we will try to help you understand your choices about dental health and then let you make an informed choice.
Urgent Care
People in crisis or with emergency problems such as pain, swelling or bleeding who need immediate assistance. We see emergencies immediately and our dentist is always on call.
Remedial Care
People at this level prefer short term, cursory exams and screening for very obvious, more advanced problems. They usually want to correct immediate problems with as little effort and cost as possible, even though the treatment may not be a long term solution. Those at this level are not yet ready for a comprehensive examination or treatment plan. Their motto might be, “Just take care of what is wrong today and not worry about tomorrow”.
Self Care
People choose this level of care if they want to keep their teeth for a lifetime, with comfort, excellent function and appearance. People at this level choose to have a comprehensive exam which fully evaluates the health of their teeth and gums, including the dynamic relationship of the jaws to the continued health of the dental system. During this examination process, we jointly formulate a long term plan for the patient’s preferred dental future. According to the individual choice, patients can follow a “holding” plan until they can proceed to a higher level. These people are interested in personally improving their dental health by preventing and treating any active disease processes, but are not ready to commence major treatment. People at this level are monitored through frequent preventative maintenance visits with our hygienist.
Complete Dentistry
People at this level are similar to that descried above, but are ready to commence treatment. They choose to have a comprehensive exam and formulate a long term plan designed to achieve a dental future of choice, not chance. Unlike the self-care person, they are ready to commence treatment. They also want to understand and control the causative agents of disease. Again, they interface closely with our preventative and hygiene departments before, during and after treatment.
Wellness Resources
People at level five are in excellent dental health, and desire to see the hygienist two to four times per year, with complete monitoring exams done annually by the dentist. These people practice highly effective levels of nutrition with home care and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our intent is to assist these people in finding others in the community who might help them to attain even higher levels of well-being. Some people begin at lower level and progress over time.

Visit us in the
of Central Texas
181 FM 3237
Wimberley, Texas 78676
Mon - Thurs:
7:00 am – 3:00 pm
Fri - Sun: